1. Little Black Dress Hanging Jewelry Organizer by Umbra - $19.99

2. Flip Flop and Sandal Holder - $12.99

3. 30 Pair Overdoor Shoe Organizer - $29.99

4. Huggable Hangers - $9.99 for a 10 Pack (x 6)
I'm OBSESSED with my hangers all being the same, so I bought a ton from Ikea ($0.05 each!) but they're plastic and the clothes slide off, which contributes to my messiness! So these will all match, and clothes won't fall off. I'm gonna need a lot of these...

5. Huggable Tie and Belt Hanger - $4.99 each
Speaking of matching hangers, huggable makes a tie and belt (or in my case, scarf and belt) hanger to match my already all matching hangers!

6. Huggable Ultra Slim Finger Clips - $4.99 for a 10 pack (x 2)
To go along with the huggable trend, these are little clips you put on your huggable hangers so you can hang pants, shorts, and skirts!

7. Dublet Adjustable Closet Rod Expander by Umbra - $19.99

8. Milano Handbag Storage Bin - $21.99

9. Large Black Open Bin - $19.99

10. Milano Graphic Shirt Box - $14.99 (x 2)

All of these things bring me to a grand total of $229.83. YIPES!!! This may seem daunting, but there's good news ahead. Container Store has graduation registries, so you can put everything you want on a registry, just like most stores have for weddings and if you're having a baby. I feel like this is an equally important event, and a new chapter in life, just like a marriage or baby, so I fee justified in saying I DESERVE A REGISTRY!
Stay tuned for more posts about other things I need for college. (I'm not greedy, I'm just thinking ahead on how to be prepared...)